備忘録 as vet.




犬MMVD derived CHFの発症予後予測モデル https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvc.2012.01.008 Reynolds, C. A. et al. Prediction of first onset of congestive heart failure in dogs with degenerative mitral valve disease: The PREDICT cohort study. J. Vet.…


PimobendanがHCM猫の心機能にどう影響を及ぼすか評価したPracebo controlled Crossover RCT Oldach, M. S. et al. Cardiac Effects of a Single Dose of Pimobendan in Cats With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy; A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover…

<論文感想>p-value, 点推定値に関する解釈の誤解と、p-value関数を用いた統計的推定の重要性

p-value, 点推定値に関する解釈の誤解と、p-value関数を用いた統計的推定の重要性を論じた解説論文 Amrhein, V. & Greenland, S. Discuss practical importance of results based on interval estimates and p-value functions, not only on point estimates…


弁置換術の予後予測モデルが実際に臨床現場の意思決定にどれほど影響したかを評価した論文 https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/01.CIR.0000125853.51637.C8 Gorp, M. J. van, Steyerberg, E. W. & Graaf, Y. van der. Decision Guidelines for Pr…


術前Cre、術後腎パネ、代謝性パネルを用いて、心臓外科オペ後のAKI発症予測モデルを構築・妥当性を評価した論文 Predictive Accuracy of a Perioperative Laboratory Test–Based Prediction Model for Moderate to Severe Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac…